The Licentiate in Ministry (formerly
known as the Alternate Ministry programme) is one of the minimum requirements
for those who desire entrance into the ministry order of the Full Gospel Church
of God in Southern Africa. The three-year full-time LMin will be offered online
through livestreamed contact sessions over a four-year period. Commencing from
the first semester of 2024, all incoming students will enrol in programmes
spanning four years to complete their studies.
in-house short courses provide comprehensive theological and practical training
for learners, with an emphasis on a classical Pentecostal approach and ethos.
Since these courses are non-credit bearing and is not aligned to any registered
unit standards, they are offered outside of the HEQSF and do not lead to formal
qualifications presented on the NQF.
This programme is currently being restructured from a 3-year full-time programme to a 4-year online through livestreamed contact sessions. Commencing from the first semester of 2024, all incoming students will enrol in programmes spanning four years to complete their studies.
1. Grade 10 / Std. 8 or National Vocational Certificate level 2 or any other NQF 2 qualification.
2. Age limit of 30 years and older.
10 months
01 February
1. Anthropology
2. Church History
3. Dispensational Truth
4. Hermeneutics
5. Church Management 1
6. New Testament Survey
01 July
1. Prophecy
2. Tabernacle Studies
3. OT Survey
4. Theology Proper
5. Bibliology
6. Introduction to Bible Study
1. Grade 10 / Std. 8 or National Vocational Certificate level 2 or any other NQF 2 qualification.
2. Age limit of 30 years and older.
3. Successful completion of Alternate Ministry Course Level I (AMC Level I)
10 months
01 February
1. Christian Evidences
2. Christology
3. Ecclesiology
4. Homiletics
5. Romans
6. Soteriology
01 July
1. Galatians
2. Introduction to Psychology
3. Kingdom of Heavens
4. Personal Evangelism
5. Relevant Record
6. Sociology of Marriage
1. Grade 10 / Std. 8 or National Vocational Certificate level 2 or any other NQF 2 qualification.
2. Age limit of 30 years and older.
3. Successful completion of Alternate Ministry Course Level I (AMC Level I)
4. Successful completion of Alternate Ministry Course Level II (AMC Level II)
10 months
01 February
1. Polemics
2. Church Management II
3. Church History II
4. Eschatology
5. Liturgy
6. Pastoral Theology
01 July
1. Pneumatology
2. Book of Revelation
3. Church Growth
4. Aspects of Counselling
5. Church Dogmatics
6. Life and Teachings of Paul
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