Condensed History

The Full Gospel Church of God College has a long history in the education and training of its ministers, dating back to 1933. At some point six campuses (Bethesda[1], Berea[2], Chaldo[3], Taung[4]-Soweto[5]-Bophelo[6], Irene Theological College[7] (ITC)[8], and Centurion[9]) existed, which later merged to become one unified College in 2005. The Full Gospel Church of God College[10] is registered as a Non-Profit Company, Registration Number 2001/013711/08.

[1] Bethesda Theological College (1933-2004)
[2] In September 5, 1951 the Bible College that was in Pietermaritzburg was moved to Kroonstad and it was renamed Berea Bible Seminary. It was moved from Kroonstad to the Transvaal in 1966. Berea Theological College (1951-2004)
[3] Chaldo Theological College (1956-2004)
[4] Taung Theological College (1965-1980)
[5] Soweto Theological College (1980-1997)
[6] Bophelo Theological College (1997-2002)
[7] Soweto Theological College (1980-1997)
[8] Irene Theological College (1978-2005)
[9] Centurion Campus (2003-2004)
[10] Full Gospel Church of God College (2005- )

Ordination Recognition

The Full Gospel Church of God in SA is a Church denomination and application for entrance into the ranks of its ministry should be directed through their national administration or respective regional offices.

Although the  Full   Gospel  Church of God  College  training  is recognised as adequate for ministry entrance  by  most  other  Pentecostal  denominations,  learners are encouraged to ascertain the requirements of  their own  churches.

Completion of any of the College’s courses do not automatically entitle you entrance into ministry of the Full Gospel Church of God in SA.

Faculty & Staff